Sunday, October 24, 2010

First Week

Well I am done with my first week of Work. The days kind of fly by because there is a lot of work to be done. The red building at the top is my appartment in Fargo. That is me on my first day at work. And then there is my office. It is a really relaxed place. I was actually pretty overdressed for my first day. I had to replace my battery in the explorer because it went bad. It was a bad battery but still under warranty so I replaced it free!! I went to lunch at this great families house. They actually gave me a jump so I could get the car to the Auto Zone. They are nice. I miss Meg and Lucy, but I think it is only 5 more weeks until I see them again!!!


  1. That awesome!! i hope the new job is going well!..btw if you have time check my blog... yes i started a blog..

  2. Ow-ow! What a hottie you are!!! Nice apartment building! I love old buildings! I'll be there's not one cockroach to be found in it! Ba-ha! Fancy office too! Gosh, Lucy and I miss you like crazy, but we are proud of you and know that this is what we need to be doing right now... Ummm...Yeah. Only 3.28 weeks until we'll get to see you face to face!

    Bill started a blog?! Yikes! Just kidding! I'm excited to see it!

    We love you!
