Saturday, October 16, 2010

We made it to Fargo!!

Eric and I made it to fargo last night at about midnight. We spent the day creating waypoints on my GPS unit so that I can find my way around town. We are going to a USHL hockey game tonight!! Go Fargo Force. We are sitting in row F just to the side of center ice. Only $14!! The ticket lady lived in Chandler for a while. We also found the church building and the NAVTEQ building. I then navigated my way back to the house without the use of GPS!! Fargo is a pretty neat town. I could raise my family here. This is me saying that having only been here for about 14 hours and part of that was sleeping. My roomate seems pretty cool too. While we were out today we drove past the ARC of Cass County. Cool huh!! Well I better go get some essentials for living at the store. PS. The outdoor rinks are looking awesome. It is just wood boards right now because there is no snow or ice yet even though it feels like it to me. I will post pictures later.



  1. So glad you got there okay. We miss you back here in the land of HOT! It was 100 degrees on Thursday. Love you. Mom

  2. Hope you get some warm clothes fast! Can't wait to hear about all your adventures!

  3. Lucy and I miss you like cRaZy!! Keep posting!! We love you so, SO much!

  4. Happy Birthday, Daddy!!--Love, Lucy
